“I have always relied on the kindness of strangers.” – Blanche Dubois Every opportunity I have ever gotten was because someone believed in me. Usually, almost always…my Pop (R.I.P.), but second women. And almost ALWAYS, a stranger. Yup, complete strangers often believed in me WAY more than friends and family I have known for decades. Life, it’s a real mystery. Usually it was women I didn’t even know. Every single acting gig, was because some women I didn’t even know, with the exception of Cyndee, said to the director or producer. Choose him. It’s happened 4 times. Once with a fellow actor, once with a set seamstress, and one with a production assistant. All on the very first day of meeting them. Now mind you, these were not powerful people. Just kind people looking out for a fellow artist. Damn. That’s amazing if you think about it….still can’t figure that...