by Edmund JanasOpening scene: A young man (Brad) stands beaming in his cap and gown, diploma in hand, surrounded by his proud family. His grandmother rolls forward with a greeting card.Grandma: “Here’s a little something from all of us, Brad. We’re so proud of you!”Brad’s smile widens as he opens the card, eagerly reading. His face slowly falls into confusion and disbelief.Voiceover: “Introducing Long-form Greeting Cards – where we hire real writers to pen heartfelt, uninhibited messages.”Cut to a writer’s dimly-lit basement apartment. He’s unshaven, surrounded by candy wrappers and empty bottles, furiously scribbling away.Writer (to himself): “Life’s a bitch and then you die. Is that too on the nose?”Voiceover: “I finally get what Forrest Gump was trying to...