Comedy Monologue, 1 minute  This is in the public domain, feel free to use it for your auditions or publish with by Edmund J. Janas, II of  Dear Walmart (pronounced Wahl-maht for dramatic effect), and McDonalds:Present circumstances compel me to write you, to beseech you to never allow teens, or those in their 20’s, or those of arrested in teen sensibilities to do substitutions on foodstuffs. And for you, McDonald’s to likewise keep our undeveloped youths from mixing coffees. Whilst my peers may frown upon my dislike and disdain for the youth of today, I assure you, my animus is both well-founded in fact (eye roll) and well deserved. It is as indelible as the stain as Generations X through ought leave upon the totality of human accomplishment. Therefore, I am writing to compel...