Writing is work. I’m working on a major rewrite of Geneva’s Revenge and I love the new direction and better establishing the relationship between Geneva and Liam. Two societal outcasts who support one another against all odds. I thought I had a full story but it’s really more of an outline, so now the real work begins. https://brego.com/genevas-revenge-rev-2/This allegorical tale which was meant to be a social commentary on child labor and exploitation in West Africa, is turning out to be more difficult than I imagined.I wanted to tell a story to illustrate the horrors of this practice, but in a way (or time period) far from our own. I also wanted to see what ally-ship (is that a word) would look like then, and what type of rare soul would actually stand up against oppression.Revenge in our society is such a taboo subject, and I felt there should be...