If you haven’t see the documentary called Coded Bias, I would highly recommend you do.I enjoy messing around with AI and testing its cultural biases. I’ve been able to get this particular AI to see holes in some of its arguments, but I’m also learning too. It’s interesting to see how AI can be biased and how it sometimes tells on itself, and/or our commonly accepted narratives.What are some of the things that AI is biased about?RaceSexSocioeconomic statusAbilityAgeGeographyReligionHow does AI root out cultural bias from its responses?By recognizing and understanding the different types of biasBy identifying the patterns of bias in dataBy creating unbiased data setsBy developing algorithms that are not biasedThe Algorithmic Justice League is a research and advocacy group that works to identify and eliminate bias in algorithms. The group was founded by MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini, who has conducted extensive research on the ways that...