This gives me #OzzyOsbourne Vibes. I remember when I was a teenager, all the white kids would listen to #ACDC #VanHalen and #ozzyosbourne. To them, #MichaelJackson was considered daring. I don’t know, maybe they rocked out to #LionelRichie when nobody was looking, but those were the standards. Us Black kids were into hip-hop and Pop like #5Star. Whatever happened to them? I had a crush on that girl. #Prince was the big shit then. #Madonna…I lost interest in her after she changed her look the first time. This song by #MilkyChance reminds me of Ozzy, I always liked his voice. His wife’s voice is insufferable, but that’s another story. My music buff friend said “alternative” wasn’t a genre when I was a teen in the 80s, but I listened to punk and if #depechemode isn’t alternative I don’t know what is. He’s just dumb, I think.When I was a teenager,...