Category: News & Muse

The Infinite Room

by Edmund J. Janas, II   Daily, I write—no matter what. Daily, I execute—no matter what....

Love at First Sight: The King and Hattie (Draft 1)

The King and Hattie scandalized the world with their forbidden love, but their triumph over Nazi occupation and the monarchy’s acceptance of their union will be remembered for generations to come.

Web3: Building Bridges, Not Gates

Web3: Building Bridges, Not Gates Let’s get one thing straight: we’re here for an open and free internet—no gimmicks, no hidden agendas. If you’re a company preaching Web3 values while quietly gatekeeping, you’re part of the...

The Living Drum

Did you know that one of the earliest forms of long-distance communication was the talking drum, originating in Africa? While other methods like smoke signals also existed, the talking drum was unique in its ability to convey...
