A Short Story by Edmund J. Janas, IIThe first Short Story illustrated by AI as far as we knowCo-Illustrated by the AI known as Dall-E MiniSee Revision 1 co-illustrated by Dall-E2It was her initiation day, the most important day for a young Amazon. Angazia chose to be initiated into the Queen’s Guard, the most demanding class of warriors. No woman from the House of Delphi has held that rank since her great-great-grandmother. Council Mother explained that Angazia’s three qualifying labors, which would be broadcast across the Biferon, would have to be grand indeed to be worthy of the Queen’s Guard.Inwardly, Angazia’s first labor frightened her; upon seeing Biferon images of the mutant fisher cats hunting the children down and tearing them apart, she almost, but did not, flinch. If any Amazon Warrior class showed weakness, it was punishable by excommunication or death. Yet the mutant beasts did frighten her,...