So (in part 1) I’ve established that mark Zuckerberg is basically taking web three and calling it meta. Okay. I’m not against mark Zuckerberg. I think what he’s doing is brilliant because although he’s providing free pages, free groups. And free shops on his platform. He is also going to make money through advertisement.He’s going to make money through value added services, like credit card processing, et cetera, and, uh, premium services. I’m sure. Um, so that’s pretty brilliant. And I’m also hearing indications that he’s going to be working on a meta watch and I’m sure a meta tablet and meta phones are on the horizon. So thank you, mark Zuckerberg for opening up the platform now to get to who I’m talking to.I know people will hear what I’m saying and be like, well, it’s not entirely accurate. Well, I’m not trying to be entirely accurate. I’m trying...