Category: Poetry


A Poem by Edmund Janas, copyright 2024 Memory. Memories run deeper than childhood,Etched in our...

Wars by Edmund J. Janas, II

Edmund Janas’ free verse poem “Wars” explores the harsh realities and lasting impacts of combat from the perspective of caring for a veteran father haunted by nightmares. Through visceral yet artful language, it depicts the violence of the battlefield as well as the psychological trauma soldiers carry home. The poem condemns glorifying war from a distance while honoring those who shoulder its burdens.

Little Troubled Black Boy

by Edmund J. Janas, II In Loving memory of his eldest brother, Obediah Swift, III who passed away in his sleep on December 28, 2022 Little Troubled Black Boy What of the little black boy, alone to fight against this world? Will...

A Beauty All Around

by Edmund J. Janas, II (Brego) that which is observable and true is beautiful to me data is...


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