
Category: Beliefs & Spirituality

Reclaiming Our Integrity: Taking Ownership of Our Narrative and Asserting Our Autonomy

This article is about reclaiming one’s integrity in the face of opposition. It discusses the importance of speaking out against injustice and oppression, challenging negative judgements, and practicing self-compassion, self-care, and self-love. It emphasizes the importance of reclaiming one’s autonomy and creating a safe space for oneself by speaking up and speaking out. It also emphasizes the importance of taking ownership of one’s narrative and defining oneself on one’s own terms.

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Breaking Free from the Shackles of Stuff: Navigating Life Without Material Possessions

Brego examines the concept of ownership in the digital age and the idea that material items can cause stress and anxiety. It looks at how Web 3 technology promises better security through trustless systems and how we can be better stewards of our planet and its resources instead of obsessing over “stuff”.

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